Graduate programmes have been a mainstay of the corporate environment both in Ireland and abroad for many years. They have proved themselves as an invaluable tool to both the graduate and the employer and they are most certainly here to stay. These programmes can be critical for students to help bridge the often daunting chasm between the end of one’s academic career and the beginning of their professional working life.

For students, the value of the support structure provided by a graduate programme cannot be overstated. For many students, by the time they graduate they will largely only have ever known a life of predetermined structure. Colleges and universities offer a complex web of support which, while often not blatantly apparent, have provided a framework through which students will progress and develop. The lamentable fact is that the transition from academic to working life can prove to be a seemingly interminable source of worry to the newly minted employee.

With the growing prevalence of graduate programmes, many graduates will find themselves assailed with choice; mired in the multitude of options. There are certain elements of great graduate programmes which will truly make them stand out from the crowd. Great graduate programmes take graduates under the company’s wing and provide them with mentorship and support to both foster wellbeing and strategically develop their professional skillset. They adopt a structured approach where the skillset of each graduate is developed and nurtured with industry standard training, experience and certification. Flexibility should be built into the structure to enable graduates to try different tracks within the company. Upon completion, graduates should have a deep insight into the driving ethos and values of the company culture and many will opt to remain if they are offered a full time role. This fast-tracked career progression and early introduction to a network of professional connections will pay ineffable dividends over an entire career.

The ongoing boom in the Irish ICT sector has provided more opportunities than ever for students who wish to embark upon their career in this discipline. From very humble beginnings, this business sector has grown from strength to strength, both through large multinational investment and the persistent growth in indigenous businesses. This has created a constant demand for a highly skilled workforce from home and abroad to support this growth.

Datapac Graduate Development Programme

In Datapac, we remain at the forefront of technology innovation and professional career development. Our pioneering graduate development programme debuted in 2006. In the 16 years since its inception our programme has welcomed in excess of 200 graduates into our ICT Professional and Business Development Tracks. Our mission is to continually exceed the expectations of our customers, partners and team as Ireland’s leading ICT provider, through continuous evolution and agility with a dedicated team where every individual has a valuable role to play. Our industry leading graduate placement programme has a proven track record of developing highly skilled and experienced professionals in a highly inclusive and progressive workplace environment.

The Datapac graduate placement programme truly transforms graduate students into professionals with unmatched industry expertise. From the onset, the graduate will work under the guidance and support of a team of professionals to develop and nurture their skills and career progression. They will attain industry recognized certifications and accreditations and develop a broad network of like-minded industry professionals. We currently offer two graduated development tracks; ICT Professional and Business Development.


ICT Professional

On this track you will:

  • Deliver outstanding ICT services and support to our customers.
  • Work as part of a team of experienced and highly accredited ICT Professionals.
  • Access the latest technology through onsite training labs.
  • Experience using industry leading tools and applications.
  • Achieve internationally recognised ICT technical certifications from leading vendors.
  • Become a well-rounded market ready ICT Professional.


As both a graduate and work placement student, Datapac gave me the exposure and the responsibility that I needed in order to grow my knowledge and expertise. The programme allowed me to build my skills through doing hands on work for customers while having the support of experienced ICT professionals for guidance when needed. The programme was varied and I got to shadow larger infrastructure projects, which I now complete.  Throughout the program I was encouraged to undertake industry certifications which enhanced my learning when mixed with real work deployments.

10 years later and I am still working with Datapac and have progressed through a number of roles to being a Professional Services Systems Engineer where I continue to be challenged every day.

-Gavin Downey, Professional Services Systems Engineer, Datapac.



Business Development

On this track you will:

  • Learn professional account management skills alongside a dedicated mentor.
  • Collaborate with multiple stakeholders to deliver an exceptional customer experience.
  • Build sustainable customer relationships in a professional B2B environment.
  • Achieve internationally recognised account management certifications.
  • Develop a network by attending customer events, trade expos and partner forums.
  • Become a professional account manager with ICT industry experience.


The Datapac graduate programme offers a great level of support, ongoing training and development with opportunities to progress your professional career. Upon completing my college career in 2018 I joined the team in Datapac through the Business Development Graduate Programme. Since joining the programme, I have excelled both personally and professionally and have gained valuable experience dealing with a wide range of customers. The Datapac Graduate Programme adopts a hands on learning methodology which led to a rapid development in both my professional ability and my confidence. Three years later from onboarding I am now a successful Business Relationship Manager. The values, experiences and knowledge I gained from the Datapac Graduate Programme have truly developed my career and made me the successful Business Relationship Manager that I am today.

-Nicholas Cannell, Business Relationship Manager, Datapac.




For more information on our exciting graduate development opportunities click here or contact us at

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Siobháin O’Connor, Talent Manager, Datapac

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  • Datapac provides IT services to Glanbia
  • Datapac provides ICT infrastrure to Holfeld Plastics