Firstly, you should evaluate if cloud services are right for your business from a strategic and operational perspective. Then, you will need to evaluate your current set-up to understand the benefits of moving to the cloud, especially in areas such as:

  • Strategic drivers – does your demand for IT vary throughout the year? Is the cost of IT impacting your ability to grow your business?
  • Service drivers – how important are efficiencies, security, reliability and flexibility to your business? And how well would you rate management reporting in all of these areas?
  • Governance – how would you rate the maturity of your operating model procedures? Do you have agreed security policies and guidelines for data and applications?
  • Technology landscape – how many business users are there? What is the geographic distribution of your user base?
  • Cost – do you have transparency of costs for applications and infrastructure? Do you provide cost allocation to your business users?
  • Ease of migration – when did you last invest in significant capital expenditure? What is your ratio of IT staff to business users? Do you have any contractual and vendor commitments that constrain migration?

In order to make a successful transition to the cloud, you will need to answer all of these questions by reviewing your end-to-end operating model very carefully. You will also need to clearly define the new roles and responsibilities that will be needed to operate a more agile, consumption-based model.

Datapac will help you address all of these questions above and will help you “move to the cloud”.  For further information on our Cloud Services please click here, alternatively call us on 01 426 3500 or complete the form below.

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  • Datapac provides IT services to Glanbia
  • Datapac provides ICT infrastrure to Holfeld Plastics