Lack of budget, skills and agility to respond leaves Irish organisations at risk, finds EY infosec survey.

Almost half of Irish organisations (47%) are not only unlikely to be able to detect a sophisticated cyberattack, a new survey has found that they are also unlikely to have the skills budget, skills or agility to deal with them.

According to the 2014 Ernst and Young (EY) Global Information Survey, while there is greater awareness of the prevalence of such threats, among Irish as well as other organisations globally, findings indicate that companies lack the agility, budget and skills to mitigate known vulnerabilities and successfully prepare for and address cyberattacks.

The survey was carried out among 1,825 organisations in 60 countries, including Ireland.

Although the vast majority (82%) of Irish respondents reported that security spending will increase somewhat over the next 12 months, worryingly, despite the expected increases in spend, more than half of Irish respondents still cite budget as their main obstacle to their cyber security programme.

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