EndUser Protection

Datapac provides EndUser Protection that delivers total protection to your end user from malicious attack. Rather than protecting a singular device, EndUser Protection combines mobile device management and complete endpoint protection together to protect every device a user has from Windows and Macs, to Smartphone’s and tablets.

Datapac utilises Sophos technology in deploying EndUser Protection and having the highest level of Sophos accreditation in the country can offer a solution which is fully customisable to suit your specific security needs.

For further information on EndUser Protection please contact us on 01 426 3500.


Datapac can assist you with your backup setup. We will work out your Recovery Point and Recovery Time objectives. These are at the heart of any disaster recovery plan.
UTM appliances allow you to unify the most current security requirements into one central appliance with a single console making the management of security easier for IT.
